Basketball incident, got four stitches. I was charged 6,052 NT. 健保支付5,672塊,所以只付了380塊台幣My healthcare covered 5,672 NT, so I ended up paying 380 NT.
Healthcare provided by the government in Russia is free.俄羅斯政府給與人民免費的健康保險 But you can pay there for some services, some more expensive medicine.但你可以多給錢得到好一點的服務、和比較貴的藥
In private hospitals, you don』t have a line.但去私立醫院就不用人擠人 It’s much easier to get some tickets and make a time of when you are going there.在私立醫院比較容易掛到號,也能比較準確知道看診時間
Doctors will listen to you more carefully and really care about your health.醫生也比較有時間聽你症狀和幫你治療 Salaries in Russia for doctors is around 18k or 20k NTD.大多的醫生俄羅斯薪水是台幣一萬八到兩萬 For a nurse around 10k NTD.護士大約一萬台幣
When I was in the UK, I had two different options when I was sick.我在英國唸書時,生病有兩種選擇 I could go to the NHS (National Health Service) or private healthcare.我可以選NHS(國家健康服務)或是私立健保
The NHS is completely free, but the downside of it is that there’s a long waiting line.公家健康服務是完全免費的,但壞處就是永遠都排很多人 On the other hand, private healthcare is very convenient but ridiculously expensive.相對的私立健保比較方便,但非常無敵貴
One time I had a really bad toothache and I went to see a private dentist.有一次我牙齒痛,去看了私立牙醫 I paid 80 pounds for a checkup and an x-ray.我付了80英鎊(約3,840台幣)做檢查和照X光 They told me that I needed a wisdom tooth removed.他們告訴我要拔智齒